Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I fell off the wagon...

Or is it I'm back on the wagon. I don't know whether I want to be on the wagon or off it, but what I'm trying to say is, I've failed miserably at getting fit. My goal weight was 135 lb. My Super Skinny Goal Weight (SSGW) is 130. (Honestly, I don't even know what I'd look like at 130, but if I set my goal weight lower than the 135, I'm hoping it'll be easier to get to the 135.

When I started blogging about this, I believe I was 143 and I needed to lose 8lbs. After a bit of work, I was down to 138lb. I was pretty satisfied because most of my size 4 jeans were fitting, so I didn't push to get rid of those last 3lbs (or 8 if I was going for SSGW). Well, Thanksgiving happened, then my birthday, then Christmas. Next thing I know, I'm up to 146.

People who are apple-shaped tend to gain weight in their belly. I'm kind of hour-glass shaped except I say that I'm hour and a half glass shaped. I've got an extra half hour on my butt. When I gain weight. I gain it in my rear. I wouldn't be sad about losing weight if I gained it in my boobs (I would actually be excited if that happened...maybe I wouldn't be able to feel my ribs anymore.) Once I realized that I had gained weight, I didn't think it was too bad...until my size 4 jeans were washed. Yep. Stupid washing machine and dryer.

I've had to ween myself off junk food. I was like a crack addict. Now, I think I'm eating like a normal human being again. I've actually lost 3 pounds! Yay! I still don't have a great desire to run, but I'm blaming that on the cold weather. With classes starting back up, I haven't had that much time to workout anyway. So, to help me get back to at least 138lb (5 away!), I've started using the kids plates for my food. Instead of eating a huge bowl of cereal, I've been eating Gracie's little bowls. It's probably the proper serving size...our bowls and plates are rather big to begin with. So, ya. that's where I'm at.

Happy Wednesday!


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